This week is going to be different. I have gathered a couple of insights from the interviews I have done in the couple of months and decided to make a blogpost about them. I picked out the first four persons that I had an insightful conversation with, those being Naomi Marsidi, Zain Al Rawi, KennyMeer lezen over “SPECIAL EDITION”

Zain – Do what you love to do

This week I had the pleasure to interview Zain Al Rawi. He is a 25 year old student that lives in a Dutch city called Delft. Being as creative as he is, in the past he used to make videos and really enjoyed doing so. Now he studies Communication in the Hague, has worked asMeer lezen over “Zain – Do what you love to do”

Stefan Sakrama – Don’t overthink it

This week I had the pleasure to interview Stefan Sakrama, aka Stenificant. A former crew member of mine from back in the days when we were in a dance crew. He is someone that no matter what or whom he is surrounded by, he still goes for what he wants in life, for what heMeer lezen over “Stefan Sakrama – Don’t overthink it”


This week I’ll discuss the importance of having the right habits. If you want to read more about how to change your current habits and implement new ones, be sure to check out the article written by Naomi Marsidi. Do you know that feeling when you just fly through the week without being really consciousMeer lezen over “THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING THE RIGHT HABITS”

Find your why series part III – My personal WHY

The last view weeks I have been doing a FIND YOUR WHY SERIES in which I help myself, and others to figure out their purpose in life and put it into words. This week I talk about my personal journey into self-discovery and formulating my own WHY. ‘Only when you take the time to planMeer lezen over “Find your why series part III – My personal WHY”

Find your why series part II – How do we figure out our ‘WHY’?

Last week I discussed what our WHY means (our purpose) and why it is important to bring it to light. In the book FIND YOUR WHY Simon Sinek describes multiple steps that allow us to formulate our WHY statement. In this text I will discuss these steps and give you ways for you to formulateMeer lezen over “Find your why series part II – How do we figure out our ‘WHY’?”

FIND YOUR WHY SERIES PART I – Now is the time to find your ‘why’

If we would have a clear purpose in life, a personal ‘why’, one that brings us fulfilment and gives us the sensation that we are living our most authentic selves, we would have direction and infinite motivation. If you say that your ‘why’ is to make money, than I would ask you what it isMeer lezen over “FIND YOUR WHY SERIES PART I – Now is the time to find your ‘why’”

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